Why you must know your child's inborn Talent

Dear Parents,

First of all I would like to welcome you all and thank you all and express my sincerest gratitude for visiting my blog where I want  to share some important information and trend for your child which will help you a lot rediscover your child to take him to a new height.

Parents, You must admit that your child is God's most precious gift to you and God has send him on this earth for some specific purpose and to accomplish the purpose God  has taken Nine long months with utmost care, so it is very important for the parents to know that what the inborn talent that God has send your child with on this earth to accomplish his purpose so the journey of your child become smooth and glorified with success.

There are lot of challenges that today's parents are facing for proper upbringing of their children and educating them towards a career, a successful career in Science at whatever cost, whether there children have the required intelligence level or not, whether their children have any other dream or not, whether parents are capable of  taking the financial burden or not, at any cost their children should grab a degree in Science for a better career is the current trend, and this trend is creating a lot of negative impact over children's mind, they are always living a stressful life because of parental pressure for higher grade, class teacher's pressure for completing syllabus in time, restrictions for mixing with friends due to Covid situation etc. make the children's life  really very gloomy, with this the  extra financial burden that the parents are bearing for the high cost of education for their children.   

In spite of all these obstacle, both the parents and children do give all the effort to reach the goal of a satisfactory career in Science or any other intended field decided by parents, without any assurance that their goal will be achieved, the result is over stressed students or over pressurized parents, and uncertain future, that's  today's scenario.

So, this is the high time to change the mindset of the parents, but how? only with the help of modern technology this mindset can be changed to turn the negative situation to positive, in my next episode, I will discuss  about the different tools available to know the inborn talent of your child for a bright future, till then wish you all a very happy new year in advance...

